Responsibility for this content is with
Save Ukraine
c/o Vasyl Kvartiuk
Breite Str. 15
06108, Halle (Saale)
Save Ukraine e.V. is an association that is registered according to the German law in the Associations Register (Vereinsregister) за номером … . German Tax Authorities also recognized Save Ukraine e.V. as an organization that facilitates pursuing charitable goals (ID number …) .
Save Ukraine e.V. is represented by the following individuals:
Dr. Vasyl Kvartiuk (Chair)
Nataliya Gyrych (Deputy Chair)
Tetiana Wagner (Deputy Chair)
Dr. Anatoliy Gyrych (Treasurer)
Rodion Kolesnikov (Secretary)
Despite the utmost editorial diligence, we are not responsible for the accuracy, completeness or timeliness of our web content. Author’s articles do not always reflect the point of view of Save Ukraine e.V.
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